Much is being said today about the importance of socializing for students, especially after the many months/years of isolation they experienced during the pandemic. Regardless of where a student attends school, many report feelings of loneliness. Here at Cornerstone, we believe developing social skills and socializing is an essential aspect of school. The Cornerstone Experience, which is at the core of what we do here, supports the need for academic and therapeutic development and social skill development. Our school-wide positive behavior support system best helps this. Students earn points throughout their day, which adds up, allowing them to earn trips and participation in After School Socials. Numerous trips occur throughout the school year, monthly during the school year, and weekly during the summer months. The purpose of these trips is to allow our students to socialize with one another and practice their skills outside the classroom and in therapy. We tap all interests ranging from the arcade to the zoo. Our January trips include:
1/8 Opera at the MET
1/18 After-School Social
1/11 Senior Breakfast
1/19 Escape Room
1/25 Bowling
After-school socials and the Senior Breakfast allow students the opportunity to socialize, play games, and explore extracurricular interests.
Our goal is to treat the whole child, from therapeutic to academic to social-emotional. January proves to be a fun month all around. Happy socializing, everyone!