Integrating State of the Art Psychiatric Treatment With Outstanding Academics in a Dynamic School Environment

To learn more, or to refer a student, contact Jennifer Hayes, our Director of Enrollment, at 908-543-0220 Ext 200 or

What's Happening at Cornerstone? News and Updates

Parents, Students and Educators
What They Say

“Though I didn’t know it at the time, CDS meant everything to me. Ultimately, I was the one who made the choice to turn my life around and go down a new path.”
Student, Fort Lee, NJ

“I want to personally thank you for all of your help with this very difficult family. Their son is in great need of treatment and I know both parents are comforted by the high level of care that he will receive at Cornerstone. For them I know that they see the 24/7 hot line as a godsend: Mom said that it’s the first time that she can really sleep at night.”

Case Manager, Essex County, NJ

“Cornerstone meant a lot to me. It taught me how to cope. It has truly made me the person I am today, and I couldn’t be more grateful.”

Student, Union, NJ

Seasons of Gratitude

handwritten notes reading "Grateful", "Thankful", "Blessed"

November is always a quick month filled with many activities and events. One of our most important events of the month is our Annual Thanksgiving Feast. This is where the whole school comes together to enjoy each other’s company, feast on a full Thanksgiving meal, and express gratitude for what each of us has in our lives.

This ongoing tradition started in our early years when our school enrollment was just twelve students. It is the perfect time to express our gratitude and thanks for all we have in our lives. Before our meal together, students and staff are asked to share what they are thankful for. As you might expect, most are grateful for their families, friends, and Cornerstone Day School family.

Once this is completed, we are treated to a delicious Thanksgiving meal with turkey and all the trimmings: stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, baked macaroni and cheese, corn, green beans, cornbread, rolls, and pie. As you might expect, the baked macaroni and cheese was the most popular, and the least popular was…you guessed it, the green beans! Of course, there were leftovers for all to enjoy the next day. A big shout out to Zappias in Summit for providing one of the most delicious CDS meals ever!

Research shows that practicing gratitude daily can lessen feelings of anxiety and depression and increase positive emotions such as joy, optimism, and happiness, as well as increase behavior such as generosity and compassion and improve resiliency.

We are wishing you many moments of gratitude, thankfulness, and personal growth during the Thanksgiving season.

December Highlights

The students at Cornerstone engage in several community service activities throughout the year. It is through service to others that we can find a sense

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Thankful for Cornerstone

November is always a special time here at Cornerstone. Since the start of the school in 2006, Cornerstone has always celebrated a Thanksgiving meal with

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May Happenings

May has been a month filled with some very extraordinary events. Cornerstone Students Honored with the Visit of Dr. William Freund, Holocaust Survivor In keeping

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Cornerstone Wins the Title!

Teams at Cornerstone include soccer for our Middle School students, and for our high school students Volleyball in the fall, basketball for the winter, and softball in the spring.

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Socializing the Cornerstone Way!

Much is being said today about the importance of socializing for students, especially after the many months/years of isolation they experienced during the pandemic. Regardless

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Seasons of Gratitude

November is always a quick month filled with many activities and events. One of our most important events of the month is our Annual Thanksgiving

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Transitions and Cornerstone

Even though Cornerstone is a twelve-month school it is always interesting to witness the “new school year excitement” as we transition from our summer schedule to September! Transitions are an important aspect of Cornerstone as much of what we do here at Cornerstone from the first day of students’ enrollment is to prepare them to transition and return to their home districts.

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Summer Days at Cornerstone …

Cornerstone Day School is a twelve-month school. Our students attend throughout July and August, continuing work on their therapeutic treatment plans and on their academic

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