Cornerstone Day School is a twelve-month school. Our students attend throughout July and August, continuing work on their therapeutic treatment plans and on their academic goals. The summer months provide a fifth marking period that allows students the opportunity to fill in learning gaps due to missed school days for medical, mental health or other reasons; to complete course recovery; or to get a head start on the next year’s classes.
The summer schedule is condensed, with students attending Monday through Thursday and dismissing at 1:00 pm. The earlier dismissal time allows our students to secure summer jobs in the afternoon and to have plenty of summer daylight to socialize with friends and to enjoy family outings. On each summer Thursday Cornerstone plans a trip for students and staff chaperones to head out on a new adventure exploring the many historical and/or entertaining attractions around the state. Summer trips have included bowling, the movies, Urban Air (a trampoline facility), Grounds for Sculpture, Liberty State Park, Liberty Science Center, The Turtleback Zoo, and most recently, a stroll through the Princeton University campus and the surrounding town. The Princeton University visit seems to be the highlight so far for the summer of 2023.

Another aspect of the summer program here at Cornerstone is access to our wonderfully landscaped and peaceful outdoor area. Our inner courtyard is designed for relaxing lunches, mindfulness activities, and just plain soaking in the sun! The space also allows for active relaxation, and in the warmer months students can be found on our soccer field enjoying a game of soccer, volleyball, or even a round of good old-fashioned kick ball.
Summer days at Cornerstone are balanced with some work and some play since all work and no play can make for boring days, and ultimately balance is best for optimal mental health.
Enjoy your summer!